When to speak up and stand out
Do you want a platform, do you have something to say?

Do you know when to speak up and stand out?
Meet Jan.
Jan is spectacularly successful in avoiding presentations. She’s done it all her working life. As she rose through the ranks, she delegated presentations to her juniors in the name of ‘development’. She chose the one to ones, the intimate meetings over standing up and speaking to the group. She is the Wizard of Non-Presentations.
But now Jan wants to do it. She wants a platform and she wants to know how to deliver. She wants to know when to speak up and stand out.
Because now she has something she really wants to say. It’s so important and so urgent that the only real option is to say it out loud to an audience.
If you want to know more about who is ready to hear what you have to say, watch this video.
When something is important enough, it will overcome any barriers that might previously got in the way. Ask Jan. She’s been there.
If you want to know when to speak up and stand out, and how you can overcome the barriers, click here.