Why Work With Me?
Catherine Sandland Testimonials
I received this testimonial from a lovely client who firstly wanted to get her ‘message’ clear and then went on to nail it in a video! Watch this space for this lady – she is ready to rock and roll! Thank you Sharon Curran, The Soul Coach
“I approached Catherine to work with me after hearing positive things about her and her work at different women in business networking groups. I was due to film a short video introduction for my business and having never done one before, I wanted some help in identifying my core message and presentation.
In fact, it was after watching a short video of her’ own that I knew she was the right person for me.
I really connected with her energy, passion and vibrancy that all shone through.
I had two sessions with Catherine, the first of which was fact finding. She obviously needed to know what I did and how I helped my clients and I loved how we put all that together with copious post-it-notes and coloured pens! It was a very illuminating exercise and I was quickly able to identify my message and the one which would capture my audience’s attention in this short window of time. My work is very personal and I wanted that emotion and sense of heart connection and trust to come through and Catherine really helped me with that. In the second session we worked solely on delivery and presentation. She has some great tips on how to stand in your power and speak with confidence and poise and having never done something like this before, she really put me at ease.
I guess the biggest thing that helped me to feel the most comfortable was the sense of feeling understood. Even though that’s nigh on impossible to do with all the different types of businesses out there, I never once felt like I was being moved into a direction I wasn’t comfortable with or asked to do or say something that wasn’t authentically me.
I am really delighted with the overall outcome and would highly recommend Catherine if you are looking for similar help and support.”
Are You Ready to Stand Up, Speak Up & Stand Out?