Nice things people have said about the impact of speaker coaching
Here are a selection of reviews and testimonials taken from clients who have worked with me. It is lovely to read the impact of speaker coaching.

Having their back
“Catherine Sandland, our speaker coach at TEDxWarrington, took this photo from backstage as she watched us, the speakers she coached, deliver the talk of our lives.
Her belief, encouragement and support NEVER wavered.
She was there for the whole journey despite the personal loss and family emergencies – she showed up for us!
I am beyond impressed with her ability to help us distil the best of us into our TEDx talks.”
I work with TEDx Northwich to bring the best out of our speakers so that their presentations are insightful and meaningful. If you’d like to know more about TEDx, take a read of this blog.
Breakthroughs and groundbreaking results
“I’ve found the one-to-one sessions brilliant follow on, after gaining so much from having
loved the Phenomenal Women programme.
Catherine has so many more insights, tools, and models up her sleeve. The 2-days for me
was a phenomenal foundation.
As a result of the additional tools gained, I have clarity in what I’m saying, leading me to
know that I’m more succinct when I present myself to a camera or audience. (Camera is
my biggest issue).
During a recent one-to-one came a true breakthrough, where through Catherine’s insight,
realised what is MOST important to me. I feel I have found myself, my story, my voice, my
message. I doubt this would have come out in a group setting.
I’d recommend Catherine’s one-to-ones for ground-breaking results. I feel as though I have
renewed zest for life for me and my business.
Catherine, thank you. You are truly awesome and an absolute expert in your field and really
great to work with.”
The bit that makes me grin from ear to ear? I knew there was a better me in there!!
“What a revelation these two days have been! I have done a few talks but knew there was a better me in there somewhere. Crafting the story and seeing everything from a different angle was amazing; the final result felt great. Can’t wait to do it again!”
Twice a year, I run a two day worksop called Phenomenal Woman – time for attendees to step up into the spotlight. The results are truly amazing! You can find out more here.

Speaker coaching is more than delivering skills: it takes people on a journey!
“We hear the word ‘journey’ a lot these days but from being someone who used to shy away from putting their business card in ‘the hat’ for fear of it being pulled out and actually having to speak – to someone who’s just gone and delivered a fully crafted talk to a group of high-achieving, successful ladies and felt OK about doing so, even enjoyed it – well, that was some journey!
All made possible by the wonderful Catherine Sandland who does it all so professionally and in a highly engaging, amusing way – yes, you learn loads about presentation skills – all the tips and tricks – but she also manages to help you apply your message to your business by asking just the right question, suggesting just the right tweak to make it relevant to our particular situation. Such a skill!”
Speaking in public isn’t just information sharing. It is saying something meaningful & engaging
“I was introduced to Catherine by a work colleague. I was asked to speak at a networking event, thought I had an idea of what I wanted to say, but following this introduction, I realised I was so far off the mark of putting together something really insightful on the subject I was talking on. Catherine took me on a journey that I wasn’t expecting, a bit of soul search, dissecting, really getting into the subject and breaking down the barriers to help me deliver something meaningful and engaging for the audience. I am not a confident speaker, but with the content that Catherine helped me with, my confidence grew, and I really felt very different about standing up in front of a group of strangers. Thank you, Catherine, you have taken the edge of public speaking for me and made it a positive experience not a fearful one!”
If you’d prefer one to one coaching, where we work together on what you’re going to say, how you’re going to say it, and have honest and relevant feedback, then take a look here.

The real deal who walks the talk
“We’re all busy. I owe it to my audience and myself to make every minute, word, and movement count when I’m ‘on stage’ – so that my messages land with a real wallop and my audience is satisfied knowing that have spent their time wisely in choosing to listen to me.
Because it is a choice, people can choose not to be in the audience at all or choose not to concentrate and listen to me even when there. That would leave me talking to myself, and what would be the point of that?
I’m no wallflower; I’m not shy… but I believe you can never be too good at speaking in public. And as the opportunities to talk and have an impact grow, so I need to grow too – to make sure that I continually pack a punch at even the highest level.
Catherine is an absolute shining star – the real deal who walks the proverbial talk. Amidst the hard work and practical learning, there was so much laughter and engagement. It was, without a doubt, a real smart investment in myself.”
The impact of speaker coaching
If you’re working on a presentation, then you can find lots of useful information in my blog.
I’ve also created a selection of videos on my YouTube channel – they’re designed to help you prepare, create and present talks with meaning and clarity for your audience.
And if you’d like my help let’s chat – get in touch.