by Gill Bishop | Apr 12, 2023 | Insights, Public speaking tips
Have you had enough of presentations that make you want to swallow a nest of wasps? When it comes to talks, there are lots of reasons that annoy us and make us feel like we’ve had enough of presentations. Here are some things that I’ve had enough of...
by Gill Bishop | Apr 5, 2023 | Insights, Public speaking tips
Q and A session – where should you put them in your talks? This vlog is about the best place for your Q and A session in your presentations. Q and A – how to handle them in your presentations Here’s the summary if you don’t have the opportunity to watch...
by Gill Bishop | Mar 30, 2023 | Public speaking tips
How to make your presentations meaningful If you make your presentations meaningful it makes them memorable and inspirational. Here are some ways you can make your presentations meaningful. On a visit to the Florence Art Gallery to see some of the great works...
by Gill Bishop | Mar 23, 2023 | Networking, Public speaking tips
How to deliver an elevator pitch effectively 4 Things that get me MAD at networking meetings and how to deliver an elevator pitch effectively. Time and again, I experience frustration at the missed opportunities and bodged introductions when people are asked to...
by Gill Bishop | Mar 23, 2023 | Insights, Key Insights, Public speaking tips, Signature Talks
Three good reasons to speak up in business There are many people I have spoken to who HATE giving presentations and will go to extraordinary lengths to avoid putting themselves in a situation where they might have to stand up and speak out to a group, or to...
by Gill Bishop | Mar 16, 2023 | Insights, Public speaking tips
Ending your presentations with impact This vlog talk is all about ending your presentations in a way that will make sure your audience remember you. How to end your presentations so that you’re remembered for the right reasons Here’s the summary about the ending...