by Gill Bishop | Mar 23, 2023 | Insights, Key Insights, Public speaking tips, Signature Talks
Three good reasons to speak up in business There are many people I have spoken to who HATE giving presentations and will go to extraordinary lengths to avoid putting themselves in a situation where they might have to stand up and speak out to a group, or to...
by Gill Bishop | Nov 8, 2022 | Insights, Key Insights, Public speaking tips
Ways in which we sabotage ourselves when we speak in public Women can be spectacularly successful in sabotaging themselves when they stand up to speak in public – and even before they stand up. I learned about when we speak in public most powerfully when I first...
by Gill Bishop | Nov 1, 2022 | Insights, Key Insights, Public speaking tips
The Five Essentials to Deliver Awesome Presentations What are the elements that make excellent presentations? Have you ever listened to a presentation, and it’s been excellent? When we listen, what are the elements that deliver awesome presentations? Well, it would...