by Gill Bishop | Aug 4, 2024 | Insights, Key Insights, Public speaking tips
What stops you from speaking up? What stops you from speaking up? Here are some of the barriers to speaking in public that I have experienced myself and seen my client’s experience. Your response might be you don’t want to forget your words, waffle or...
by Gill Bishop | Feb 1, 2024 | Key Insights, Public speaking tips
Who are you talking to? Real human beings. This vlog is about how you can connect with your audience by remembering that you are talking to real human beings Think about your audience Here’s the summary if you don’t have the opportunity to watch the video. Who are...
by Gill Bishop | Jan 9, 2024 | Key Insights, Public speaking tips, Signature Talks
Stand out when you speak – don’t be bland This vlog talks about identifying an angle and a perspective for your talk that will help you to stand out when you speak and to have influence. Here’s the summary if you don’t have the opportunity to watch...
by Gill Bishop | Dec 20, 2023 | Key Insights
How to deliver a TEDx talk – what you need to know “Doing a TEDx talk” on your to-do list? Here are some things to think about. In my line of work as a speaker coach, I come across many people who are intrigued by the prospect of delivering a...
by Gill Bishop | Sep 20, 2023 | Key Insights, Public speaking tips
Where does the fear of public speaking stem? One of the workshops I run is called Phenomenal Woman. The subtitle is – helping you to step up and into the spotlight. I am mindful that while some people want to step into the spotlight and have decided that they...
by Gill Bishop | Mar 23, 2023 | Insights, Key Insights, Public speaking tips, Signature Talks
Three good reasons to speak up in business There are many people I have spoken to who HATE giving presentations and will go to extraordinary lengths to avoid putting themselves in a situation where they might have to stand up and speak out to a group, or to...