Case Study – Mindy Cowap
Discovering the confidence to use your voice.

“I arrived at the workshop full of enthusiasm and eager to learn. Within an hour I was completely blown away! Catherine opens your eyes to what’s possible.” – Mindy Cowap
Mindy is the creator and founder of The M Project and The M Project Movement , which challenges women in peri-menopause and menopause to step outside their comfort zone and breathe life into life. The M Project Movement has more than 700 members who push themselves and give each other the courage to be vulnerable and try new activities, from fire walking and paddle boarding to yoga and flash mobs.
Mindy worked with Catherine when she enrolled on her Phenomenal Woman workshop in November 2021.
Mindy’s goal
In line with The M Project’s mission, Mindy had a self-development goal. She wanted to learn skills to help her raise awareness of The M Project and get more women involved in the Movement, enabling them to reinvent themselves and enrich their lives.
How the training worked
Phenomenal Woman takes place over two days. Participants work in groups, pairs and individually to explore their Why and develop how they express their story.
The emotional workshop takes the women on a deep dive into their past to discuss how events have influenced each person’s journey in her life and career. Each woman tells their personal story and receives feedback from the facilitators and their peers. They then embrace key tools and techniques to improve their delivery and connection with their audience – and push them out of their comfort zone. These include how to plan and structure a presentation using emotion instead of slides, where to pause or slow down to allow your message to land, and how to use your physical presence to add impact.
At the end of the two days, each woman tells their story again using all the skills they have honed and practised.
What happened next
Mindy left the workshop one step closer to achieving her mission. She understood the essence of her story and had developed the message that she would share with the world to connect with more women and help them thrive. The M Project Movement continues to grow its membership.
Since the workshop, Mindy has continued working with Catherine on a one-to-one coaching basis. She has gone on to present to small groups and is working towards developing a workshop for members of The M Project Movement. Mindy has now set her sights on sharing her message with an even bigger audience by way of a TED talk.
Mindy says,
“I arrived at the Phenomenal Woman workshop enthusiastic and eager to learn. Within an hour I was completely blown away! Catherine opens your eyes to what’s possible. I’ve worked in corporate environments and I recognise a good coach when I see one.
Every time I meet Catherine I am in awe of her coaching skills, her knowledge, her command of language and the way in which she uses intonation so skilfully. Catherine is intelligent and intellectual. She takes time to understand your message and helps you unravel what you want to achieve from sharing it. She pushes you out of your comfort zone in the most empathetic, encouraging and empowering way.
The impact of the training has seeped through to the rest of my life. I feel more confident, ambitious and clearer on my message than ever before. I’m going to put myself out there and build The M Project Movement to touch the lives of more women.
My ultimate goal is to share my message in a TED talk. Our regular coaching sessions continue to stimulate ideas and put me on the right track to achieving my dream.”
Are You Ready to Stand Up, Speak Up & Stand Out?