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Why do you need a Signature talk (and what is it?)

Why do you need a Signature talk (and what is it?)

Why do you need a Signature talk (and what is it?)  What is a signature talk? How can you deliver yours? And why do you need a signature talk?Let's start with what it isn't. A Signature Talk isn’t a sales pitch. It isn’t a guest speech at a networking event. It...

Why we need hooks in presentations

Why we need hooks in presentations

Why we need hooks in presentationsThis vlog is about using hooks to grab your audience’s attention.Using hooks to capture your audience's attentionHere’s the summary about why we need hooks in presentations, if you don’t have the opportunity to watch the video. How...

What people say after your presentation…and what they really mean

What people say after your presentation…and what they really mean

What people say after your presentation… and what they really meanWhat people say after your presentation and what they really mean:"Thanks for enlightening us"But you didn’t really think about us at all and what we already knew. In fact you’ve just spent time...

When to speak up and stand out

When to speak up and stand out

When to speak up and stand out Do you want a platform, do you have something to say? Do you know when to speak up and stand out?   Meet Jan. Jan is spectacularly successful in avoiding presentations. She’s done it all her working life. As she rose through the...

Ways in which we sabotage ourselves when we speak in public

Ways in which we sabotage ourselves when we speak in public

Ways in which we sabotage ourselves when we speak in public Women can be spectacularly successful in sabotaging themselves when they stand up to speak in public – and even before they stand up. I learned about when we speak in public most powerfully when I first...

Speaking in Public isn’t magic – but it can create something magical

Speaking in Public isn’t magic – but it can create something magical

Speaking in public is a skill that can be learned. There are plenty of people out there who don’t like speaking in public. There are plenty of people out there who would count themselves as introverts. There are plenty of people out there who have had horrible experiences of standing up and speaking to groups.

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